Ankyloglossia (Tongue Tied) in Sioux Falls, SD

What is Ankyloglossia?

Tongue-tie is a condition present at birth that restricts the tongues range of motion. It is defined as an unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) that tethers the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

Ankyloglossia Sioux Falls
Ankyloglossia Sioux Falls

Inability to stick the tongue out, resulting in a “heart-shaped” tongue.

Ankyloglossia Sioux Falls

Corrugated, or wavy, tongue due to the tongue resting on the lower teeth from the inability to rest in the roof of the mouth.

Ankyloglossia Sioux Falls

Inability for the tongue to reach the roof of the mouth while the jaws are open.

Why Do We Look For It?

The normal resting position of the tongue is on the palate. In addition to being a source of comfort, the tongue on the palate begins to ‘shape’ and widen the mouth, jaw and even facial features.

A “tied” tongue which is unable to rest on the palate may result in devastating oral and health consequences such as:

Narrow and collapsed jaws, which leads to crowding of the teeth

Speech and chewing difficulties

Poor dental health

Breathing disorders (such as sleep apnea)

Sleep deprivation, behavior problems and emotional stress

Clicking/popping/pain in the jaw-migraines

Ankyloglossia Sioux Falls
Ankyloglossia Sioux Falls



Frenotomy- a simple procedure, where no medication is needed, to clip the attachment of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This aids in the ability to breastfeed, breathe, and develop.

Children and Adults:
Frenulectomy- a non-invasive surgical procedure, typically completed with numbing gel and a laser, to release the attachment of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Patients are then instructed to complete oral exercises to re-train the tongue and mouth.

Treatment benefits for children and adults can be astounding. They may include the reduction or elimination of airway disorders, such as sleep apnea, reduction of facial and dental deformities, and relief from headaches and TMJ pain.

Ready to address ankyloglossia and improve your oral health? Visit Designer Dentistry & Smiles to schedule your consultation with our experienced dentist in Sioux Falls today and take the first step towards a healthier, more functional smile.


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Our practice accepts most major insurance plans. Our team is knowledgeable about dental insurance, too, so we're happy to file and track your claims for you to ensure that you're getting the most out of your benefits. We just ask that you bring your insurance card to each appointment, so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible.
